
EnchantresshasnoothermeansofTauntingherenemies.Special–GushAttack[Cooldown2turns.]Thetargettakesdamageequalto110+150%ofATK,bestow ...,Thetauntisbasedonanaura,withaninfinitelingerduration.Thedebuffgetsclearedwhenthedebuffontheprimarytargetexpires,orwhenthetargetdies.,2023年12月27日—...Enchantress'chosentargetforfewseconds.SearchRadius,1200.TauntMoveSpeedBonus,100%.TauntAttackSpeedBonus,100.Taun...

Enchantress (Miriam)

Enchantress has no other means of Taunting her enemies. Special – Gush Attack [Cooldown 2 turns.] The target takes damage equal to 110 + 150% of ATK, bestow ...

Enchantress - Dota 2 Wiki

The taunt is based on an aura, with an infinite linger duration. The debuff gets cleared when the debuff on the primary target expires, or when the target dies.


2023年12月27日 — ... Enchantress' chosen target for few seconds. Search Radius, 1200. Taunt Move Speed Bonus, 100%. Taunt Attack Speed Bonus, 100. Taunt Duration, 6 ...

Showing results for: Dota 2, "appid

Showing results for: ; 1,829 · $0.46 $0.44. Taunt: Chicken! ; 1,387 · $0.13 $0.12. Taunt: Flopper ; 1,160 · $0.09 $0.08. Taunt: Backstroke!


2020年5月25日 — There's only one thing that never fails to unlock a sproink state of mind. This taunt can be used while moving.

Taunt: A Sproink in Your Step - Dota 2 Wiki

Taunt: A Sproink in Your Step ; Taunt ; Enchantress. Rarity: Rare Slot: Taunt ; Released. 25 May 2020 ; Origin. The International 2020 Battle Pass.

Why isn't there an Enchantress taunt?

2016年4月16日 — Every hero should have their own taunts, updated character models, item sets, but valve is valve, and they go by valve time over there.